

  Cleanse horizon, nourishment for hereafter  Feel it in your teeth and lungs  Erase depression plug the holes with laughter  Only instruments high strung  I’ll spend my days swallowing storm clouds  Elucidate your panorama  When your future’s disguised in dark shroud  Dress it up in fuzzy pajamas  Your bloodstream filled with birds and bees  Heartbeats echo rings of trees  Stardust falling from your eyes  Spectral photosynthesize  Take a breath, fill yourself with atmosphere Feel the world in analogue Inhale the dawn, the salmon sun’s souvenir  Exhale the day’s epilogue  Looking through the see through moon Infinity at half past noon  The entire taste of the universe  Echoes skips plays in reverse  I’ll spend my days swallowing storm clouds  Absorb all the cursive rain When your future’s buried in a death shroud  Rehash it all and start again  Fill your world with swirling sound Harmonize plain and profound  Combine tones in buzz and shade When you’re done just let it fade 


  From the cellar of the sea of tranquility, composing postcards from a submarine  Murmuring my claustrophobic cosmic tune Ringing out from seashells all across the moon There’s no such creature as a tranquil sea The heart’s a monster built from angry breathing  The mirror sky rains down consternation  Convexed by condescending constellations  I need a big sister to guide me home  Swimming the sea of tranquility  Is vast abysmal and completely empty  The echoes float above the moon  And freeze together in acrid cocoon 


  Fledgling songbird trapped in the green  Silent screaming empty phrases  Still as statue speckled heart  Paralyzed talons transfixed  In the trees in the clouds  Incoming adolescence  Overhead over lawn Overcome apprehension  Fledgling songbird deadpan rocking chair  Ticking time away flowing flowing Clock the corner light the ledge  Flee the family mother father  In the head in the heart  In between integration  Oversight over sound Overall undergone  Fledgling songbird fledgling songbird  Fledgling songbird fly away from me  Fledgling songbird fledgling songbird  Fledgling songbird fly away from me


 Dancing in the margins of the blueprint spilling out  Dancing in the margins of my gravelly dragon doubt I’m just a thumbnail sketch, destined to be erased The shadows smudge the page, leaving a murmured trace I’m just a thumbnail sketch, destined to be erased Our strongest shapes echo and artfully interlace Singing in the corners, blending harmonies with ghosts Singing in the corners, tonics tide upon the coast Scribbled portrait fluctuating  Work in progress slowly aging  It’s a Rorschach evolution  With your crucial contribution  Glowing in the spaces left between our synchronized breaths Glowing in the spaces we embody after death  Expanding upon our story with never ending grace 


  Isn’t gone isn’t forgotten, isn’t lost to time  Isn’t poking eyeballs out from beneath this slanty rhyme Isn’t Batman isn’t Robin, isn’t Mr. Freeze  Isn’t saving kittens isn’t hanging them up in trees  Can’t be defined by what you’re not  Can’t do the chaser without the shot Can’t pilfer minutes from your clock  Can’t bring em back again  Isn’t carved in alabaster isn’t a cartoon  Isn’t abstract animal assembled from balloon Isn’t pulled in 12 directions not super glued to the floor  Isn’t valentined after like Dorothy Lamour Can’t be defined by what you’re not  Can’t lace the shoes and forget me knot Can’t speak in sidewalk without chalk Can’t keep your secrets in Isn’t spun among the living isn’t netherworld  Isn’t clutching to yourself like umbrella ununfurled  Isn’t curly twirly whispy isn’t a straight line Isn’t born under a semi fractured neon sign  Can’t be defined by what you’re not  Can’t connect the transitory dot Can’t crack the lake without a rock Can’t start it all again


  I wish I was the rain, I wish that I could wrinkle the earth And baptize everything, the lawns and cars and frowns and birds, deciduous emotion reborn in the cold I wish I was the rain, to feel myself evaporate into air  An epic transmutation, a transubstantiation, a total dissipation to the void  I wish I was the rain, to conjugate inside the atmosphere  Ruminate above the world, percolate the starry sky, whisper the impermanence of clouds I wish I was the rain, to combine and become the waves and sea Anonymous as water, so lucid so essential, reliving the cycle over and over and over and over and over a 


  Sound the alarm for inclement reason, a tornado of toxic beliefs  Shots fired, it’s open season for those diverging from similarity  We’ll sing with our gabardine voices, striking back against the hateful storm Entwined in fear resistant noises, turn your collar to the disinformed It’s a perilous panorama, so mispronounced nowhere to hide You can’t fit in constrictive pajamas, you explode the narrowly defined  We’ll sing with our gabardine voices, striking back against the hateful storm Liberated from fatal choices, casting off I’ll-fitting uniforms  So let’s dance with our variations, shimmering in distinct beauty  Eclipsing outside negation, supernova with disharmony